The increasing prices of Car Insurance for 1st time drivers and experienced drivers alike is now at a level we should all be concerned about. Why is the question and what can be done about it?
I've been pondering this one for a while and thought I had a decent handle and some ideas as to why but the truth is about much more than the odd uninsured driver on our roads. Recently I found a couple of videos on YouTube from a guy called Mark McCann. Normally he is more of a car blogger than an activist per say but he has made some really interesting content recently, two of which touch on this subject to really highlight what is going on.
I'll follow-up with Marks 2nd video in the next couple of days. In the next video he makes a request to get all of us to sign a petition to get 100,000 signatures and this subject addressed in the House of Parliament. Something I think we should all get behind.
A huge thanks to for all his hard work on this and bringing this subject to light.